It has been some time since I've actually had the time to edit some of my personal photographs. Back in August I took a trip with my brother to London and Milan partially for a friends wedding but also to celebrate my 29th birthday. While in Milan we stumbled upon this new development, The Italian Way, in partnership with Vogue Italia - pretty awesome project (inner planner geek). On our way back to the hotel one night I decided to stage an impromptu shoot. Below are some of the captures. I originally wanted to do a collage of both of us, but realizing I left my triggers back in the states, the concept quickly changed to that of the imaginary friend/guardian angel. With me jumping into the frame just after setting the timer, the exposure captured just enough of me to create the ghosting effect.
The last images were taken at the height of the Eric Garner/Mike Brown cases back in the states. I thought the billboards "On the Go" and "Moving" were interesting phrases with those cases in mind. Here one minute, gone the next...